When was the last time you 'enjoyed' slicing and cutting vegetables? We've all spent more time in the kitchen for cooking and baking every dish and cuisine at home. Chopping and cutting veggies is the first step in almost every dish, from soups to desserts. Most of us have noticed... When was the last time you 'enjoyed' slicing and cutting vegetables? We've all spent more time in the kitchen for cooking and baking every dish and cuisine at home. Chopping and cutting veggies is the first step in almost every dish, from soups to desserts. Most of us have noticed...

By Rehan Latif Read more

Many items in the home (such as furniture, baseboards, and other valuables) require dusting, particularly when the windows are open to the outside. Knowing the many types of dust sources makes it easier to choose the best duster for household use. Pet fur and dander, plant pollen, dust mites, wind-borne... Many items in the home (such as furniture, baseboards, and other valuables) require dusting, particularly when the windows are open to the outside. Knowing the many types of dust sources makes it easier to choose the best duster for household use. Pet fur and dander, plant pollen, dust mites, wind-borne...

By Rehan Latif Read more

BEAUTY LIES IN YOUR OWN BACKYARD There’s no place like home – or so Dorothy said in Wizard of Oz. And she’s right. Home is where we grow up, enjoy to rest, and always want to stay when we've been gone for too long. The back yard, on the other... BEAUTY LIES IN YOUR OWN BACKYARD There’s no place like home – or so Dorothy said in Wizard of Oz. And she’s right. Home is where we grow up, enjoy to rest, and always want to stay when we've been gone for too long. The back yard, on the other...

By Rehan Latif Read more
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